We want to jump into a slightly serious business chat about a topic we've heard from you about - specifically our decision to have the Blush Blush Voice Over DLC cost $2. I'm assumed going into this game that a few features of Blush Blush could be monetised and since the game's free from the get go, I'm personally more than willing to pay for content that is entirely optional for the game to actually work. As for why Crush Crush had it for free, well I'd guess that since Crush Crush is infinitely more popular that Blush Blush, the market is there and the game would easily turn a profit without it. Assuming that they paid the voice actors and it isn't all volunteer work - which I'll admit I haven't checked but I assume it isn't - then paying a bit for full voice acting in a free game is more than worth it. Voice acting is generally rather expensive for games. The game already has voices, but to have the full voice over package, we have to pay for it separately!? Considering Crush Crush had full voice over from the get-go, this seems unfair.
Originally posted by Lynuma:Um, just one question: why do we have to BUY the voice over.? The fact that it's 'only' 2 bucks isn't the problem.